Each birthday celebration in your life deserves to be memorable! When planning your celebration, no matter how big or small, it should be as unique as you are.
Reserve with Harbor Yacht
Reserving with Harbor Yacht services, you'll enjoy a highly-personalized event that is exciting whether you're ready to party from dusk till dawn or a quiet, intimate party with your favorite people. So escape the crowded restaurants and outside noise for your birthday celebration. Instead, be surrounded by the people who love you.
Planning Your Birthday Party
Let's get down to business! Here's an outline of what you'll need when planning your birthday celebration with Harbor Yacht:
Set your budget
Create your guest list
Center around a beach theme
Plan your food arrangement
Form an itinerary
Once you set your budget, you can get started! Your budget will determine which yacht you will book and how many people you can invite.
From there, you can think of your theme! Whether you want a relaxing gathering with friends and family or a complete birthday bash, Harbor Yacht has you covered! Pick a theme that makes you happy and encourages others to play along. We're big fans of era themes - pick your favorite era or decade and go all out!
Once you have your theme, build around it! Think about the decorations and, of course, think about the food - one of the best parts of the party!
After you have the plan basics, it's time to think of your itinerary! You can go as simple or as intricate as you want. We pride ourselves on a beautiful sea experience at Harbor Yacht - just being out on the water may be all you need! Guests will plan for games on the boat, water sports, dancing, and more. If you're planning to party all day and all night, be sure you have some activities thought out to give your guests a heads-up.
It's Your Party
The best part about this party - it's all you! This celebration is what you make it, and Harbor Yacht is here to make your plan a reality!
Let's talk today to get this party started! Book with Harbor Yacht now!